
joey and a grown up briahna.

"Daaaaaaaad." Briahna held onto the doorframe with one hand and swung into the room; her hair spilled loosely over her shoulders. "We're just going to the movies. I swear to God I'll be back by like two."

Joey closed his eyes and prayed for patience. "Don't think that I don't remember what "going to the movies" really means. I was your age once too. I told you, you're grounded."

"You always treat me like such a kid. When Uncle Justin was my age, he'd already had his first gold record." Bri had inherited Kelly's full-on pout, and Joey sometimes thought that it would be the death of him.

"And when Uncle Justin was your age, his mother grounded him when he'd been sneaking out of the house to drink out back of his friend's house, too." Well, except for the times in the hotel rooms in Germany that Lynn hadn't known about, but Joey sure wasn't going to undermine his parental authority by telling Bri that. "If you hadn't lied to me in the first place, we wouldn't have to have this conversation now."

"You're, like, the worst father in the world," Bri muttered, and slunk out of the room. Joey pinched the bridge of his nose and offered up a belated apology to all of the fathers of the girls he'd spent his teenage years with.

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