
For swerved: JC/Lance. "Do you get off casting hexes / Assuming forms of either sexes / And oh...are you a boy or a girl?"

Lance was only a little startled when JC answered the door in stockings, garter belt, and fuzzy terrycloth robe, waving two tubes of lipstick and saying, "Which do you think is better on me, the coral or the pomegranate?" because, when you really scratched away all of the other little details, JC was precisely the type of person to fret about questions such as that.

"Pomegranate," Lance said, and closed the door behind him. "Hands down. Are you almost ready?"

JC shot him a look and pushed his hair out of his eyes. "Do I look like I'm almost ready? Seriously, I don't know how girls manage to do this on a nightly basis, I nearly put my fingernails through my stockings and I don't even have fingernails, and let's not even talk about the trauma of shaving my legs, okay?"

"You shaved?" Lance laughed. "Ha, that'll win me ten bucks from Justin. He didn't think you'd go that far."

"If I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right," JC said primly. "You got off easy, all you need is that Godawful wig. Whose idea was this, anyway?"

"Chris's." Lance picked the tubes of lipstick out of JC's hand and checked the labels; he put the coral down and uncapped the pomegranate. "Here, hold still."

"All the bad ideas are always Chris's." JC could talk without moving his lips, which the makeup people generally loved him for.

Lance carefully filled in the lines of JC's lips, and then picked up the eyeliner. "Close your eyes," he said, and JC did. Lance tipped his face back with one hand under the chin and painstakingly traced the edges of JC's eyes. "You think you've got it bad, you should see what Justin's in. Or not in. Joey's currently occupied in trying to talk him out from the bathroom." He smudged the edges of JC's eyeliner with his thumb, stepped back, and then nodded.

"Do I look beautiful?" JC asked.

Lance grinned. "Stunning."

"Good. Help me into the corset." JC picked said item of clothing up from his bed and dangled it from his fingertips. "'Cause I may be just a sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania tonight, but I still can't do up these laces on my own."

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