
For mer1973: Justin/Nick. "When you refuse me you confuse me / What makes you think I'll let you in again?"

"So, now that perfect baby girl has dumped your ass, you're turning to choice number two? What's the matter, didn't get enough of the blonde bombshell routine from her?" Nick knocked back his drink in a single smooth motion and met Justin's eyes. "Not interested in playing, Timberlake. Go hit on someone else."

"She didn't dump me, I dumped her," Justin hissed, looking around to make sure that there weren't any reporters listening. "And don't flatter yourself, Carter, I wasn't proposing marriage or anything, just seeing if you wanted to come back to the hotel with me. This party is killing me."

"Why me?" Nick asked. "Get tired of climbing all over your guys like some kind of weed?"

"You never used to be this bitter," Justin said.

Nick plucked another glass of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter. "That was before you told me that you were giving up dick for Lent."

"Jesus," Justin said. "I didn't think you'd still be holding a grudge after four fucking years."

Nick smiled. It wasn't a pleasant smile, just a thin curling of the lips around the edges. "And I didn't think you'd ever come slinking back shaking your ass and expecting me to jump at the chance, so we're even."

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