
For without_me: "Military prep school AU. Lance in one of those pretty uniforms, with gold buttons and a sword."

JC watched as his roommate adjusted the epaulets of his uniform, took a final look at himself in the mirror, and nodded in satisfaction. "Am I straight?" Lance asked, and met JC's eyes in the mirror's reflection.

"Don't ask, don't tell," JC said, and grinned when Lance gave him one of Those Looks. "No, no, you're fine. Well, hold on." He got up from the bed and adjusted Lance's sword-belt slightly. "There. Now you're good."

Lance pulled on one of his white gloves and cocked his head to the side, looking over at JC. "How come you're not coming to dress parade?"

"Too much reading," JC said. "And, you know, I was there yesterday, and it is optional."

"Optional but highly recommended." Lance frowned. "Are you okay lately, Jayce? You've been --"

"Busy," JC said. "And, I dunno. I'm just not feeling it."

"You're just worried that you'll trip over your sword in public," Lance said, and let it drop.

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