
For adelate: "JC/Lance college AU." (The college AU.)

Lance and JC made good roommates because neither one of them really cared much about privacy. It was pretty normal for one of them to walk in, find the other enthusiastically engaged in coitus either solo or duet -- or, that one memorable time, quartet, but that had been only that once and cleaning the chocolate sauce off the sheets afterwards had been such a bitch that, they'd agreed, they'd keep that to Chris's off-campus grad-student apartment in the future.

It also wasn't uncommon for Lance to walk in and find JC, completely naked except for a pair of headphones, sitting in front of his PowerBook with all the lights off, five or six illegal candles burning, and the volume on the laptop turned so high that Lance could hear the notes even through the headphones.

"Still working on the thesis?" he asked as he walked by to drop his backpack next to his desk, pulling off one of JC's headphones as he went so that JC could hear him.

"Do you think that the Dies Irae should be in Latin, Slovonic, or Arabic?" JC asked, which was his way of saying "yes". Then again, JC was always working on his thesis. He and Joey, both seniors, had disappeared the first week of class and only surfaced for the Friday night parties before returning to the throes of creation -- JC to his music-writing software, Joey back into the theatre. The sheer scope of JC's thesis concert meant that he had to have the music written by J-term in order to have adequate time to rehearse the sixty-voice choir and the thirty-five man orchestra. "I just did the Kyrie in Latin, so I'd like to throw in something else, and the Dies Irae is a lot more techno, so maybe the Slovonic would be a better fit, but I haven't used Arabic since the introduction and it might be a nice bit of irony, you know?"

"I think you should put the headphones down and come over here and make out with me," Lance said, and pulled off his t-shirt. JC grinned and tossed the headphones on the keyboard. Ten minutes later, his screensaver clicked on, but neither of them noticed.

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