
For livelikeumeanit: "TrickyFish FBI agent vs. Cat Burgular type scenario."

"My hacker tells me that there's no way to break the encryption on this conversation, so you probably shouldn't waste your time trying. I'd hate for you lose sight of the true purpose of your time here."

"The true purpose of my time is to track you down and throw you in jail, you know. You may have forgotten that in the midst of the rest of all of this."

He checked his watch. Another four minutes. "You were close in Venice."

"You were sloppy in Venice. One might almost think that you wanted to get caught."

"One would be wrong. You weren't as close as you thought you were."

"You weren't as good as you thought you were. You left clues."

"It would hardly be sporting if I didn't."

"I'll track you down sooner or later, you know."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Across the room, Justin gave him the hand signal. Lance nodded. "Until then, Agent Kirkpatrick."

He flipped the cell phone shut and slid it into his back pocket. He had a diamond that was calling his name.

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